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Paul-Wassermann-Str. 5
81829 Munich
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FAQ for visitor tickets, vouchers & more


All questions concerning registration will be answered in that section.

What is the difference between registering and login?
Registration: You have to register to be able to purchase a ticket or redeem vouchers for the first time. After registering you receive an e-mail. You must assign a password for your account.
Login: Once you have registered you are able to login onto the ticket system with your username and your password at any time. If you have forgotten your password, click on "Password forgotten"

How can I register?
You have to register when you buy tickets or redeem vouchers for the first time. This is how to proceed:

  1. Select a ticket or fill in your voucher-code.
  2. Click on "Continue".
  3. Select between "Account Login" or "Account Registration"
  4. As a new customer you have to fill in the registration form and assign a password.
  5. Finish the process by pressing the button "Create account".
  6. You get an e-mail for your confirmation.
  7. Please check your e-mail inbox, including your spam/junk mail/unknown folder.
  8. Complete your data and personalize your ticket.

Why do I need to register a voucher?
Your voucher is your invitation! It means that an exhibitor is paying to allow you and your family or friends to attend the trade fair.
Full registration with an e-mail address is necessary to allow exhibitors to keep track of who has accepted his invitation. The exhibitor might also use the contact data you supply to send you information after the event. If you do not wish the exhibitor to contact you, you can inform him after the event.
I would like to redeem a voucher but I do not wish to pass on my data, and certainly not my e-mail address, as I do not want anything to be sent to me.
We would ask you to appreciate that vouchers can only be redeemed if your data is registered. Your ticket can only be sent to you online, which is why we require your e-mail address.
Due to the new COVID-19 regulations, all visitors to fairs must be recorded with their data.

You're registered already?
If so, simply click on "Login" and enter your password. If you have forgotten your password, please click on "Password forgotten".

Why should I register online in advance?
Advance online registration gives you fast admission to the trade fair without having to wait.

Can I go to the trade fair without registering online in advance?
No, due to the new COVID-19 regulations all visitors to fairs must be recorded with their data.
It is not possible to buy tickets or redeem vouchers on site. 


In that section all questions concerning vouchers will be answered.

Where can I redeem my voucher?
You can only redeem vouchers online by entering the voucher code (shown on the voucher) in the "Redeem voucher code" section.

Can I redeem a voucher and buy a ticket at the same time?
Yes, you can order as many tickets as you like on the welcome page of the ticket shop and redeem a ticket using the "Redeem ticket" function as well.

How do I get my ticket?
The ticket is sent to you as a print@home ticket or as a wallet. As a registered visitor, you can also view your order history under "Profile". Here you can download the ticket you have ordered as a PDF and print it out.

Payment was completed but I didn't receive an e-mail with my ticket. What is the reason for this?
Please check your spam/junk mail/unknown folder if you do not receive an e-mail after payment has been completed successfully.

Can I buy tickets or redeem vouchers for other people?
Yes, you can also buy tickets and/or redeem vouchers for others. After you have selected your tickets or the voucher code, you can personalise the tickets.
As soon as you have entered the other person's details and the order process is complete, the system sends an e-mail to the person for whom the ticket has been personalised. Within that e-mail the other person will receive a link under which the ticket can be downloaded.
As the person ordering the ticket you receive an additional invoice, if you have bought ticket.

We only have one e-mail address but we would like to purchase several tickets or redeem several vouchers.
No problem, you can redeem even several vouchers in your name for as long as the fair lasts! However, please make sure that all names of additional visitors are entered correctly.

Can I change the name on the ticket?
Unfortunately, this is not possible due to technical reasons.

How can I pay for my admission ticket online?
You can pay for your ticket online by credit card (Visa, Mastercard, American Express), by electronic debit and PayPal. It is currently not possible to pay by bank transfer or invoice.

When making a payment, how will I see that I am on a secure page?
You can check this by right-clicking "Properties". Here you will see that the ticket shop uses the secure https protocol.

Can I cancel my ticket?
Yes, as a registered visitor you can cancel your ticket via the visitor hotline by phone or e-mail. There the ticket will be cancelled and the purchase price automatically transferred back to you.
Please note that a ticket can only be cancelled if it has not yet been used to gain admission to the trade fair. Purchased tickets are not refunded after the trade fair.

Can I buy my ticket on site?
No, due to COVID-19 regulations all tickets must be purchased and personalised in advance.


All questions concerning passwords will be answered here.

How can I get my password?
You assign your own password during the initial registration. You can change this at any time in the "Profile" section. Please do not enter the password from your personal e-mail program. 

Why do I have to activate my account with a password?
Password activation is for your own security. We cannot send any e-mails without your consent (account activation). This is mainly to provide protection if your e-mail is entered illegally by somebody else.

Forgotten your password?
Click on "Login" and then click on the "Password forgotten" button. 

Where can I change my password?
You can change your password under "Profile".

Links & Contact:


Any questions? Please contact the visitor support of Heim+Handwerk:

P +49 89 189 149 551

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